Copy pattern fl studio
Copy pattern fl studio

Click in the timeline where you want to put a pattern, select the track that it's for and hit Ctrl+Shift+P for instant pattern insertion. Ignore your desire to right-click or search around in menus: the Insert Pattern keyboard shortcut is the way to go. The process feels quite convoluted at first, because there's little connection or flow between patterns and instrument parts such as MIDI clips. The first hurdle to overcome is how to put a pattern onto your timeline. There are a few notions you need to get your head around in order to not find yourself befuddled by Studio One's pattern system. Pattern-based sequencing is most often used for drums, but as we'll see in this month's workshop, the Pattern Sequencer in Studio One can be just as easily directed to synthesizer and instrument sounds, and can very quickly generate something unexpected. It's simple and intuitive in a way that's reminiscent of the creative tools we've come to enjoy in hardware. It's one of those features that makes you wonder why every DAW doesn't already have it. Studio One 4 introduced pattern-based step sequencing as an alternative mode to the familiar piano-roll MIDI editor. The new pattern editor in Studio One 4 isn't just for drums!

copy pattern fl studio

The latter are also reflected in the timeline (top). You can make a basic arpeggiated melody more interesting by messing with the probability and repeats parameters.

Copy pattern fl studio